perrin moore
low profile pictures
perrin moore
low profile pictures
The sole mission and goal of low profile pictures is to establish relative meaning. Ideas form and resonate with different people, and nothing is universal. At LPP, we believe that’s okay. Elsewhere online, that sentiment is largely drowned out in a cacophonous sea of universality and hive-mindedness. LPP prides itself on its individuals and the respect, unity, and love they have for each other and their fellow man, regardless of political and religious ideals, race, gender, sexuality, etc.
Cinema brings mankind together. People all over the world go to see movies for a myriad of reasons, whether they seek entertainment or introspection, and cinema is one of the only creative mediums on earth capable of accomplishing both so effectively at once. LPP seeks to entertain by surprising and delighting, while honoring the tradition of artistic cinema and encouraging introspection and reflection by the viewer on themselves or those around them.
Low Profile Pictures was founded in 2019 by writer and director Perrin Moore. LPP is based in Charleston, South Carolina.